
Final Paper Submission

Final Paper Submission

Technical papers accepted after the peer review process may be published in the Conference proceedings and also indexed in IEEE Xplore, subject to final approval by the Conference Technical Committee.

In order to submit the final version of accepted paper(s), authors must follow the instructions below:

 1. Paper submission link:


 2. Adhere to the IEEE conference paper format.

 2.1 - English is the working language of the Conference. Papers are limited to six (A4) sized pages. Up to 2 additional pages can be accepted, but additional page fees must be paid at registration.

 2.2 - Please use the IEEE templates
Authors must adhere to the IEEE Conference written paper format. The author must submit the final version of manuscript and sign online the IEEE Copyright Form before the due submission deadline. These are submitted through the IES Submit system, which is entered from the conference website.

IEEE provides a set of templates in MS Word and LaTeX format. Please use them to create your paper, but don't modify the style nor the format under any circumstances:


 2.3 - Papers must be converted to IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format. For the preparation of camera-ready version, authors are encouraged to use the free IEEE PDF eXpress system (http://www.pdf-express.org/) to convert their files.

In order to be able to access IEEE PDF eXpress, use the code 35080X.

 3. Sign and submit copyright to IEEE.
Signing and submission of copyright transfer form must be performed electronically through the online submission system, when final versions of papers are submitted.

 4. Submit only original work.
Prospective authors are expected to submit only their own original works. Manuscripts that violate IEEE's publication principles may be summarily rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.

 5. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors
According to the Conference Registration Policy, each accepted INDIN 2016 paper must have at least one Registration of the following categories Society Member, IEEE Member or IEEE Non Member) attached to it before May 30 2016 June 6 2016 in order to be included in the conference proceedings (that means, discounted Student Registration does not apply in this case). Authors presenting multiple papers may pay an “Additional Paper Fee” of 200€ for each extra paper (max. of 1 additional papers). 

 6. No-Show Policy
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude a paper from proceedings and from distribution at IEEE Xplore after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference. 

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